Tag Queries
Complex Query Syntax
Presence or absence of tags indicated with prefix "+" and "~" respectively.
Examples below are not encoded (for readability):
- query all URLs, that have both "banana" and "boxed" tags attached.
- query all URLs, that have "banana" tag and doesn't have "boxed" tag attached.
- query all URLs, that have "banana" tag or "boxed" tag attached.
- query all URLs, that have: 1) "banana" tag or "boxed" tag attached;
and also have 2) "fresh" tag attached or doesn't have "premium" tag.
"+" prefix may be omitted (it is considered by default)
For AND operator you can use different symbols: &, comma, semicolon.
For XOR operator you can use: ^
Autotags - are tags of special kind. They can not be directly created or deleted by user, but could be used in tag queries.Currently supported autotags:
- archived - used to query URLs that were archived. Archived URLs disappear from view (Manage URLs) page.
- visited - used to query URLs that were visited at least once (this is not the same as 0-clicks, because click counter may be reset)
- ping - used to query URLs being monitored by our "Link health" service
- email_stats - used to query URLs being sent in daily email reports
- smart - used to query Smart Links.
In addition to above autotags, there is a separate autotag for each domain and separate autotag for each satellite account.
- query all URLs in domain mydomain.com that never been visited.
- query all URLs that belong to domain mydomain1.com or mydomain2.com.
- query all URLs created by john_b in domain mydomain3.com.
Date tags
Tag query may contain date conditions. For example:
- query only URLs created after 0am January 1, 2018.
- query only URLs created from 0am to 24pm January 1, 2018
>DELETE /urls?tags=<2018-02-01
- less than symbol < in this syntax means before.
Delete URLs created before Feb 1, 2018
Tag query for links created today might look like this: